Game of Thrones: Ascent Wiki

Taking the Black

Shae begins her testimony as Jaime finds Ser Hugo. "We can end this soon," Jaime says tightly. "My father will let Tyrion take the black."



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Ask Jaime why Lord Tywin would agree to that.

Jaime's face is set and grim. "I gave him the only thing he ever wanted," he says shortly.

Thank Jaime for whatever sacrifice he made to save Tyrion.

Wonder whether Tyrion will be willing to go to the Wall.

Jaime gives a humorless laugh. "He'd better after what I had to do to get him there." He pauses. "Tyrion's smart, he'll find a way to thrive there."

Protest that Tyrion is innocent. He shouldn't be condemned to the Night's Watch.

Ask whether the queen is all right with this new arrangement.

Jaime looks at Cersei, across the room. "She doesn't know," he says shortly. "But it's not death, so I can't imagine she'll be pleased."

Agree with the queen that the realm would be safer with Tyrion dead.

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Alignment Family Icon Add final text for 1st alignment
Alignment Truthful Icon "It's the best I could get," Jaime says, "And that girl up there could still condemn him. I need to know how people are taking her testimony."
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