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~ M ~


  • Maesters are brothers of knowledge. There are many different Maesters each with a different specialty. They are assigned to each ruling household. They serve as advisors and are the keeper of the ravens.

Master of Coin

  • The realm's chief treasurer and bookkeeper.

Master of Laws

  • The realm's chief legal advisor, who also manages the Red Keep's dungeons, and supervises law enforcement.

Master of Ships

  • The realm's chief naval officer, supervising the Royal Fleet and coordinating the realm's maritime defenses.

Master of Whisperers

  • The realm's chief intelligence advisor and spymaster, supervising covert activities and information gathering, both at home and abroad.


Mors Martell

  • Mors Martell was the head of House Martell and Lord of Sunspear who married the warrior queen Nymeria. Together they conquered the rest of Dorne. When Nymeria led the Rhoynar refugees to Dorne in southern Westeros, the lands of the Martells paled in comparison to those of their neighbors. The marriage of Lord Mors to Nymeria gave the Martells the manpower to conquer the rest of Dorne and gave the Rhoynar a new homeland. The Dornish rulers have since styled themselves "Prince" in the Rhoynish fashion rather than "King"