Game of Thrones: Ascent Wiki


Lyanna Stark

Lord Robert's face goes purple as Prince Rhaegar crowns Lyanna Stark the Queen of Love and Beauty. You follow Robert as he storms off the field.



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"Why would the prince give Lady Lyanna the crown of love and beauty?"

Robert is almost spitting with fury. "Because she's the most beautiful woman here. And he thinks because he's prince, he can have whatever he wants!"

"Lyanna is promised to you. This doesn't change that."

"Do you think Lady Lyanna encouraged the prince? Do they know each other?"

"She never met him before the feast last night," Robert growls. "She would never betray me for that... Targaryen fop!"

"Lyanna didn't protest when the prince gave her the crown."

"How did King Aerys react? He's the one who matched his son to Elia Martell."

Robert quaffs a cup of ale and belches. "I wasn't watching the Mad King. Whatever he thought today'll change on the morrow anyway."

"The king will never let his son ruin his alliance with the Martells by betraying Elia."

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Alignment Old Ways Icon "You're damn right it doesn't change that!" Robert says, hefting his warhammer. "Lyanna will be my bride or I will raze Westeros to the ground."
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Alignment Realm Icon Robert glances at the Targaryen pavillion, with its banners. "He may not have a choice. Rhaegar has been meeting with the lords about... removing the king."
